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Bluesforum - German Community

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 Konzert- & Veranstaltungshinweise
MickeK Offline

Beiträge: 1
Punkte: 5

13.01.2014 13:41
Allman Brothers Tribute Band aus Schweden Zitat · Antworten

Perhaps best to write in english as my Deutsch is not that fluid :).

We are seven blues and rock musicians from the south of Sweden. After a test this autumn we have decided to start an Allman Brothers Band Tribute with full original setting. We plan to develop an act and book gigs from late spring and further. Summer festivals would be very suitable and we're interested in get in contact with some good german festivals. Or scenes in Germany that might be suitable as well.

Most welcom to our new site at to get more info, listnen to the few samples we have and perhaps drop a comment in out Guestbook. Most welcome to our Facebook page at as well. We need visits that give a "thumb" as this page is new as well :). But all fact are on the actual band site.

Please let us know what you think and if anyone have suggestions on suitable german festival or scenes your most welcome to tips. We will try to book gigs for the summer and would love to visit Germany with our act. Preferably in the north due to the distances :).

My best and Peace


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