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wolli Offline

Beiträge: 1.968
Punkte: 2.052

15.05.2007 10:53
rauschende Bärte in Bonn Zitat · Antworten

ZZ Top geben sich mal wieder die Ehre - freu

LEIPZIG Fr., 15.06.2007 20:00

MÜNCHEN Mo., 25.06.2007 19:00
Tollwood Sommerfestival
Olympiapark Süd

ERFURT Mi., 27.06.2007 20:00
99096 ERFURT

GELSENKIRCHEN Do., 28.06.2007 20:00
Amphitheater Gelsenkirchen
Grothusstraße 201

BONN Fr., 29.06.2007 19:00
Kunst-und Ausstellungshalle Bonn
Museumsplatz/Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 4
53113 BONN

hans-jürgen Offline

Beiträge: 196
Punkte: 212

16.05.2007 07:55
#2 RE: rauschende Bärte in Bonn Zitat · Antworten
Soweit ich weiß, sind viele Europa-Termine im Juni und Juli abgesagt worden, weil der Bassist sich einer Strahlentherapie unterziehen muß:

Andererseits sagt jemand im Gästebuch der offiziellen Homepage, daß Billy Gibbons diese Gerüchte verneint hätte:
From: Greg Deeter E-Mail: Greg@Deeter.US Date: 5/11/07, 4:03 PM

ZZ Top Friends,

Early today there were some messages posted which seemed to indicate that something was wrong with Dusty Hill and
that European dates were being cancelled.

I was so concerned about this that I phoned my friend James Austin of Rhino Records in Hollywood and he in turn called
Mr. Billy F. Gibbons right away, to address these rumors. I am allowed to tell this to fans, as it comes from Billy Gibbons himself,
this morning. (Billy is in Las Vegas right now, getting ready for the VH1 show). Billy knew I would post this information as I asked
for permission.

Dusty Hill is fine! NO EURO SHOWS are being cancelled (AND NO US Tour shows are being cancelled)! ZZ Top did in fact
re-arrange some show dates in Europe for some reason (I forget why) but it has NOTHING to do with Dusty. The European
media reports saying that shows are cancelled because Dusty has to have some treatment are totally, absolutely and completely FALSE!
While the US Media doesn't have the best track record for accuracy, I guess in this case, the fact that NO US MEDIA has covered this
rumor is a pretty clear indication that it's only a rumor that someone in Europe came up with.

Billy did say that if anything with Dusty changes, we fans will be let know right away.... Okay?

(Billy, sorry if I quoted you wrong, just trying my best to relay the message. Have a good time in Vegas).

Greg Deeter

Also am besten selber bei den Veranstaltern nachfragen, ob das Konzert stattfinden soll oder nicht...


ZZee ya, Hans-Jürgen

dr. mojo Offline

Beiträge: 1.060
Punkte: 1.068

16.05.2007 08:16
#3 RE: rauschende Bärte in Bonn Zitat · Antworten


ja, die Europa-Konzerte wurden komplett abgesagt. Bei Eventim und den anderen, wo man Karten bekommt, steht das auch eindeutig auf der Website. Zum Grund der Absage steht dort allerdings nichts.
Auf der offiziellen Website finden sich erst wieder Konzerte ab 19.Juli.

Herzliche Mojo-Grüsse aus dem Bergischen Bermuda-Dreieck von

Dr. Mojo

wolli Offline

Beiträge: 1.968
Punkte: 2.052

16.05.2007 08:46
#4 RE: rauschende Bärte in Bonn Zitat · Antworten


hans-jürgen Offline

Beiträge: 196
Punkte: 212

18.05.2007 13:21
#5 RE: rauschende Bärte in Bonn Zitat · Antworten
Inzwischen steht auch mal etwas auf der offiziellen Homepage:

May 17th, 2007


ZZ Top has canceled its European tour so a band member can undergo treatment for a benign growth in his inner ear that's affecting his hearing.
Dr. Shawn Nasseri, an otolaryngologist treating bassist/singer Dusty Hill, said that preliminary plans do not include surgery.

"In the near-term, we plan to stabilize Dusty's hearing and symptoms with medication and a conservative management strategy," he said in a statement.

ZZ Top got its start in Houston in 1969 when local guitarist Billy Gibbons got together with Hill and drummer Frank Beard, from the Dallas-based band American Blues. The group has been touring for much of the spring and its European tour was to have started June 15 in Leipzig, Germany, and run into early July.

More American dates were set for July and August. Those shows, starting July 15 in Dallas, are not expected to be affected.

"I'm looking forward to dealing with this problem and getting back out there with Billy and Frank," Hill said. "I'm sure we'll put this behind us very shortly.".


ZZee ya, Hans-Jürgen


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