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15.03.2014 10:57
A dream of mine Zitat · Antworten

Hey People my name is Danny I am 51 year old and I am from a small town in Texas. I have been singen since I was in diapers.I have sung the last 15-20 years taking it to the extreme. But as one gets older you return to your roots, the music you grew up with the music that formed you. Naturally being from the South I grew up with Country, Gospel and Rock/Pop but I also grew up with Black Folks. At first they had problems with a white family living in their neighborhood, kinda funny looking back; poor don´t know color. Well anyway from my black friends and their folks I learned Blues and Soul and Reggae. Now I know everybody loves BB king but I have a greater love for Bobby the blues Bland and I think I wouldnt treat a dog is one of the greatest songs ever. I love like Bonamassa ,Gary Moore BB King just all the good stuff and I like Country but the Bluesy stuff Like Patsy Kline.

Anyway I want to sing I would prefer to sing songs I/ we write been. I have been writting since I was a kid. But I would not mind covering as long as it is a song I personally love.
Oh I kann auch in Deutsch schreiben ,lesen und mit einen Frankischen/Texanischen accent sprechen bin sehr gespannt ob sich eine meldet


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